Swarm Genders

Swarm genders, hive genders, and drone genders are gender identities where family, romance, and/or sex involve collective consciousness

Hiveminds are natural

Many kinds of hiving and swarming insects, such as bees, ants, and locusts, possess collective intelligenceThe hivemind is not a physical brain structure, it's an emergent property of many smaller minds programmed to fit together. Nonetheless, it can solve tasks more complex than any insect could solve aloneComputer scientists and robotocists have drawn inspiration from the animal world to produce hiveminds that can solve complex problems using many simpler drone botsSome of these hiveminds even use humans as drones

Hiveminds are inspiring

Hiveminds have captured the imaginations of science fiction writers for more than 100 years.We've all heard of at least one sci-fi hivemind. Borg, Zerg, Xenomorphs, Unity, Buggers, Harvesters, Flood, Geth, Collectors, Typhons, The Bugs, Kaiju, Replicators, Tyranids, InfestedThey are a powerful and often terrifying idea. But the allure of such a group has captured our imaginations as wellHiveminds are, simply put, cool

Hiveminds are hot

Queer people have been getting into hiveminds as a fetish ever since the pandemicIt's a great kink. It's got latex, hypnosis, dehumanisation, bondage, and it even takes away your gender to substitute it with obedienceDronification kink is beloved by people who feel that identity, and thinking for themselves, is a burden. Most of these people are trans and are sick and tired of being responsible for their own genders. Cis people don't have to be responsible for their genders, and some trans people are jealous of thatSurrendering gender to become a drone just seems nice

Hiveminds are nonbinary

Who ever heard of a drone being a cisgender man or woman?Bees don't have binary gender, they have three genders. Their workers are sterile females, their queen is a baby factory, and their drones (males) certainly aren't drinking beer and watching sports. If a human had the gender of a bee, they'd bee nonbinaryBorg think gender is irrelevant. Zerg change gender as they age. Good fucking luck finding a hivemind that has binary gender in any science fictionBut despite the stereotype of drones as agender... doesn't it make sense to view them as doing society, doing identity, differently than an agender individual human? There is something... droney, where gender ought to be. It's not nothing as a gender, it's drone as a gender

Hiveminds are real

Various occultist groups have been summoning collective consciousness beings called egregores for decades or possibly milleniaMany people believe that the gods of religions all over the world exist as collectively conscious egregoresSome occultists have used psychological techniques to create egregores that subsume the identity of their hosts; hivemindsComputer scientists and economists have also explored the possibility of using human beings as part of a constructed hivemind. Some believe natural hiveminds such as The Free Market or The Nation already exist

Hiveminds are a gender

A gender can be anything. It can be a cat or a cloud or even a penisBut a gender being a social role that fits into a family, social, or sexual structure sure has a lot in common with traditional ideas of genderHiveminds are natural, inspiring, hot, nonbinary, and real. Why wouldn't someone want such a powerful idea to be their gender?Drones are validSwarms are validHives are valid